Sunday, October 25, 2009


I know as we all get older, somethings just get harder. I think its a bit sad when the only time you can round up all your good friends together is either for a birthday or party. Its hard to keep in touch with people as we get older. But those who make that effort are the ones worth keeping around. Everything works both way. I am glad I have a good set of buddies where we can pick up exactly where we left off. Even though if we haven't talked in months or years.

Birthday is tomorrow, 22. I can't believe it, still shocking to me.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

We all grow up

Its nice to have a group of friends you can always rely on. But as time and life goes on, somethings change and its inevitable. Life moves on, it doesn't wait for no one. We all need to appreciate time is valuable and as we grow older we have less time to accomplish what we really want. For example, there are many who don't understand nor see that getting a College Degree is important. Having a better education will always give help you down the road. With this recession that is occuring with our econonmy, it makes it much harder for those who want to go back to school or even stay in school. In the end life is never easy and there will always be challanges for everyone.

Sometimes we all need to stop to breathe and enjoy the present. Over the past couple years I have lost and gained a handful of friends. When I think about it those who are still around are the ones that matter. Each person has their own life going on and it makes it harder to see friends and what not, but really we all need some time to relax and enjoy good company right? Only if life was that easy sometimes, makes me miss earlier years of college.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


The feeling of being unappreciated from friends is never great. Friends should be there for their friends, there should never be a feeling of " i owe you one". Friends should be there for their friends regardless. We all show our appreciation by doing the same back. Its frustrating when people only come to you when they need something. Yeah its nice to lend a helping hand but its nice to get it back once in a while. Even thought its not about receiving but what you give to others. Sometimes people get cheated out of a friendship. In the end its because some of us are so nice and care a little bit too much that we enable them to do this. But what kind of friends are they if they do this to you? Its one thing for a friend to give soo much to another friend and never take the time to say "thanks" or "i really appreciate it" and another if its a balanced friendship.

"Friends shouldn't owe a friend for being their for them but do it because your their friend and care about them"

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Its amazing how some people love to hear their own voice. Not many realize how selfish they are until another points it out. It's true that some of us are selfish at times but for others its constant. A friend is someone who one is able to talk to, go to for advice and lean on. A friendship should never be just one way like a basketball game, the ball is evenly on both sides of the court. Its sucks for those who realize what great friends they have after there gone.

I know that my friends are always there for me, I am thank for the ones who appreciate me. Comes to show who your real friends are. To me boys are dime a dozen but to other girls they aren't. Chicks before dicks. But there are some who are opposite and some who are just ridiculous. But hey we're all different but whatever floats your boat. There needs to be a fine line when enough is enough though. Its amazing how some girls love to stay with their asshole boyfriends, after they have cheated and been promiscuous. Also, to talk about because your proud of it is another thing. It only shows how dumb and the lack of respect you have for yourself.

On a lighter note, I can't wait for school to be over and the summer to start! This weekend was pretty good, besides the fact I had a final to study for but I got to see both my besties, wonderful boyfriend & my family.

May 24th needs to come faster!!! =]

Thursday, May 7, 2009


At times we have a mindset where we think we are invincible and that nothing can ever hurt us. But little do we realize that anything can happen. People need to open their eyes and live more freely. Sometimes we all just have to have a little more optimism and believe. Being negative never gets anyone anywhere. We all need to realize that we are only human.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

19 Days Left

Spring semester is almost over which means FINALS are coming up. Thank god I started on my Chad106 paper ahead of time, that 12 page paper took me longer than I expected. Now I just have to study for all my finals and finish up my last two ochem lab reports. School has been pretty hectic this semester, even though I worked less I still feel overwhelmed with all the school work. I know now not to take so many upper divison classes at the same time. I can't wait for summer :] even though I will be taking summer school it's only for 6 weeks so it shouldn't be too bad. Time to get back to studying.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Love is something that surrounds us each day. Some people believe that love is the most important thing to find during our life time. Where some beg to differ, but we all have different perspectives about love. It either being from past experiences or what we see from others. But for me love is important but I know there are more important things. I believe that love is important to have in your life but it shouldn't be the top priority. love is suppose to be ONE of the main reasons that your happy never the entire reason. if you put your love into one thing, it could always back fire and then your left with nothing in the end. I believe that we all have someone out there that will love you the same amount you love them. That person will never hold you back but push you to achieve your dreams and be there support you every step of the way.

Love makes us do crazy things but we don't realize how crazy until others tell us how crazy or ridiculous we are acting. But in the end we should be taking care of ourselves before anyone else. A person should be in the relationship if that's what they want not because of other things. Happiness also plays another role in love, they intertwine with each other and there needs to be a balance of both.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Life isn't meant to be easy, it is filled mountains and valleys. At some point we all need to look around and appreciate what we have and stop taking everything for granted. We should all treat others with respect and love, why stay around to be dragged around. But we do have to realize that we are only human, we all are capable of making mistakes and sometimes its just inevitable.

Over the past months I have come to see things more clear. So many life changing experiences that change your perspective on everything. I feel like the past six months have been nothing but chaos. Just as everything begins to calm down something else comes up. Feels like I can't even catch a break with anything. I appreciate all the great friends I have, its also great that they appreciate at me back. I have some great friends that I know that will be life long friends, where the others are just friends and it ends there. Birds with the same wings will fly in the same flock.

Life throws you curve balls so we can learn from them. Pain is ineveitable but mourning is an option.