Sunday, October 4, 2009

We all grow up

Its nice to have a group of friends you can always rely on. But as time and life goes on, somethings change and its inevitable. Life moves on, it doesn't wait for no one. We all need to appreciate time is valuable and as we grow older we have less time to accomplish what we really want. For example, there are many who don't understand nor see that getting a College Degree is important. Having a better education will always give help you down the road. With this recession that is occuring with our econonmy, it makes it much harder for those who want to go back to school or even stay in school. In the end life is never easy and there will always be challanges for everyone.

Sometimes we all need to stop to breathe and enjoy the present. Over the past couple years I have lost and gained a handful of friends. When I think about it those who are still around are the ones that matter. Each person has their own life going on and it makes it harder to see friends and what not, but really we all need some time to relax and enjoy good company right? Only if life was that easy sometimes, makes me miss earlier years of college.

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