Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Last 9 Yards.

The next 9 months will fly by faster than I will expect. 9 more months until I finally finish my undergraduate degree, took a little longer than I expected and wanted it too. But everything takes it own course, and things all happen for a reason.

Lately, I feel as everything has feel into place. I finally feel so confident with all my future plans with Optometry school, getting an MBA and work. Not only that but with those around me such as family, friends and Henry. I realized those who want to be there for you will show it and those who could care less just fade into the mist. I really appreciate those who are still around and value the friendship as much as I do. For Vietnamese New Years this year, we had a big Le family dinner. It was awesome to see my cousins, aunts and uncles. Especially all the babies I have yet to see. It was great to see we can still get together as a family, even though its only once a year.

I can't wait for what this year has in store for me. <3

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