Monday, April 27, 2009

Love is something that surrounds us each day. Some people believe that love is the most important thing to find during our life time. Where some beg to differ, but we all have different perspectives about love. It either being from past experiences or what we see from others. But for me love is important but I know there are more important things. I believe that love is important to have in your life but it shouldn't be the top priority. love is suppose to be ONE of the main reasons that your happy never the entire reason. if you put your love into one thing, it could always back fire and then your left with nothing in the end. I believe that we all have someone out there that will love you the same amount you love them. That person will never hold you back but push you to achieve your dreams and be there support you every step of the way.

Love makes us do crazy things but we don't realize how crazy until others tell us how crazy or ridiculous we are acting. But in the end we should be taking care of ourselves before anyone else. A person should be in the relationship if that's what they want not because of other things. Happiness also plays another role in love, they intertwine with each other and there needs to be a balance of both.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Life isn't meant to be easy, it is filled mountains and valleys. At some point we all need to look around and appreciate what we have and stop taking everything for granted. We should all treat others with respect and love, why stay around to be dragged around. But we do have to realize that we are only human, we all are capable of making mistakes and sometimes its just inevitable.

Over the past months I have come to see things more clear. So many life changing experiences that change your perspective on everything. I feel like the past six months have been nothing but chaos. Just as everything begins to calm down something else comes up. Feels like I can't even catch a break with anything. I appreciate all the great friends I have, its also great that they appreciate at me back. I have some great friends that I know that will be life long friends, where the others are just friends and it ends there. Birds with the same wings will fly in the same flock.

Life throws you curve balls so we can learn from them. Pain is ineveitable but mourning is an option.